Know yourself. Know your people.
Utilize workforce analytics to power your organization
Predictive Group has serviced 500+ clients nationally and globally comprised of nearly 2 million employees
The Challenges we help our top Clients SOLVE
Leadership Development
Leadership Development
- Build future leadership pipeline by understanding natural Behavioral Drives and Cognitive Agility
- Career Mapping
- Succession Planning
Increase Employee Engagement and Reduce Turnover
Increase Employee Engagement and Reduce Turnover
- Find the right person for the right role behaviorally and cognitively
- Clearly define what each role demands for success by using the Predictive Index Job Assessment
Poor Communication & Team Dynamics
Poor Communication & Team Dynamics
- Understand how to adjust your style based on your teams BA and CA
- Team Work Styles, Relationship Guides and Group Analytics
New Hire Onboarding and Acceleration
New Hire Onboarding and Acceleration
- Use CA data to understand how quick or steady your new hire will convert knowing to doing
- Place new hire with correct manager by aligning BA and CA
At the Predictive Group, we use powerful WorkForce Analytics to accelerate performance and fit of individuals in any organization.
Diagnose the hiring process
Unlock the potential of your team. The PI Employee Experience Survey allows managers to gauge employees and gather feedback on their work experience. Our software pinpoints strength and improvement areas for your team.
Design improves our clients ability to deliver their business results. We reduce organizational friction by aligning our clients strategy, leadership team, culture, and organizational structure.
Bring predictability and reliability to the hiring process. By using the Behavioral, Cognitive, and Job assessments we can objectively identify the strongest candidates for a given role.
Utilize Predictive Index to better understand your people, build better managers, and accelerate high performing teams.
Hiring the wrong person can cost up to 30% of the first-year salary
(United States Department of Labor)